Beverages available on flights As an extension to our blog on ‘Plane Food’, we found this cool infographic from about in flight drink menus and wines. While the plane food definitely has a reputation of being sub standard, there is often a large selection of complimentary drinks – alcoholic and non alcoholic available on […]
Have you analyzed your plane food recently? As the holiday season approaches, many of us will be preparing ourselves for our trips we take to see our families and friends. Whether you are escaping to warmer climates during the holidays or simply flying home to spend the holidays with your loved ones, then you will […]
Cookies all the way… Today is National Cookie Day, and what better way to celebrate than to try out some new types of cookies? From chocolate chip, to almond, to gingersnaps, to macaroons, National Cookie Day is the ultimate way to celebrate all things ‘biscuity’! Cookies date all the way back to the 7th century, […]
The versatile world of soups Another one of our favorite infographics from Come winter, and soups become a daily routine in every household. Soups are hearty, tasty dishes; can be made with some basic ingredients or can take a gourmet route! It can be a simple broth or a complex integration of ingredients. What […]
Experiment with a new ingredient this holiday season! We all have our ‘safe’ dishes, the ones that we cook and we know how to cook well, but who’s to say eating the same thing over and over doesn’t get boring? I say: Try something new, experiment with a new ingredient and open up your taste […]